
Pet Surgery in Corvallis, OR
The thought of surgery for our furry family members can make anyone a bit nervous. Anesthesia is never completely without risk, however, at Ark and Eastgate we work very hard to make the experience as safe and pain free as possible. All patients receive pre, intra and post operative pain control injections, with many procedures having pain medication to go home as well. Our doctors and surgical staff pay special attention to our surgical patient’s needs and keep them warm and comfortable from check in to check out. All our patients receive an IV catheter for rapid venous access in the case of an emergency.
We have complete monitoring systems that monitor body functions during your pet’s procedure including: EKG, blood pressure, respiration rate, oxygen saturation and core body temperature. A surgical assistant is with your pet from the time of induction of anesthesia until they are out of surgery and recovering in the treatment area. Recovering pets rest comfortably in our treatment area being watched closely for the rest of the day until released back to your care.
Contact Eastgate Veterinary Clinic
If you are considering veterinary surgery for your pet, please contact us at 541-752-3786 to schedule a consultation with your Eastgate Veterinary Clinic veterinarian.